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You never know - working with a coach could be the missing piece you need to achieve the personal and professional progression you've been searching for.

From guidance in our careers, to a hand in assessing our goals, or suggestions for heading in a new direction, many of us consider turning to a coach for work advice. As recent figures from  CIPD  show, 51% of companies now consider coaching to be a crucial part of their business strategy - and it’s not hard to see why. Whether you’re an employee, running your own venture or a freelancer - or perhaps you’re simply looking for some wider lifestyle guidance - there really are endless benefits to coaching, for both your personal and professional progression.

Remain Positive And Build Confidence One of the reasons that we may find ourselves seeking a coach is for help with boosting our self-esteem, and it’s no surprise that having the chance to talk openly and share ideas can spark more positive thinking. In figures found by the Institute of Coaching Federation (ICF) , a huge 80% of people who regularly receive coaching reported increased self-confidence when it came to their ability at work. Building on this idea, AllBright member and transformative coach, Veronica Ireland, shared her thoughts on the 'why' behind the link between coaching and confidence. "Having someone by your side, listening deeply to what is going on and being genuinely interested is invaluable for anyone, especially entrepreneurs and leaders who are constantly making decisions in an uncertain world with little or no support," she explains. "The variable comes down to the nature of the confidence the client builds; is it temporary or more fundamental? Fundamental confidence is achieved when the coaching is less about fixing a problem and more about identifying the root cause of why it is a problem in the first place."

Allow Yourself The Space To Set Goals (And Achieve Them!) The idea of setting goals can be daunting, but working alongside a coach can help you unpack what may be holding you back, allowing you to concentrate on what can be achieved and utilising that to push you in the direction you're hoping for.

"Once you know what a client hopes to achieve, this helps them envision it from a more holistic perspective and identify potential obstacles, blind spots and unhelpful ways of thinking at a very early stage"

Veronica Ireland, Transformative Coach

Veronica shared that goal setting from a coaching perspective is more about understanding the motivation behind your desired outcome. "Once you know what a client hopes to achieve, this helps them envision it from a more holistic perspective and identify potential obstacles, blind spots and unhelpful ways of thinking at a very early stage," she tells us. "In turn, this increases the viability of the goal and effectiveness of meeting it." As career coach Donna Sweidan told Forbes, there is a vast skillset to be tapped into through coaching, but allowing yourself the vision to set goals is sometimes the key first step. “The job search can create a fair amount of anxiety, fear and vulnerability in people.” she shared. "I often work with clients to unwrap those emotions so they can better understand how these factors may be keeping them stuck in their careers."

Supercharge Your Performance Our ability to perform at our very best is often the stimulus that allows us to progress both in the workplace, and outside of it. Whether it’s reaching for that promotion or stepping into a life-affirming change, it’s regularly our attitude and approach that defines whether we’ll be successful in our pursuits. In recent figures found by the aforementioned ICF study, 70% of respondents claimed to have benefitted from improved work performance and stronger relationships, both in and out of the workplace, thanks to the help of a coach.

"A calmer, less stressed employee means better decision making and more creative solutions, which invariably results in a more solid performance in the workplace"

Veronica Ireland, Transformative Coach

Transformative coach Veronica mirrors this idea, citing that when working with a coach helps a client understand their experiences, it tends to heighten their overall wellbeing. "A calmer, less stressed employee means better decision making and more creative solutions, which invariably results in a more solid performance in the workplace," she shares. Veronica also adds that alongside a more productive performance, this can improve the quality of relationships with colleagues, customers and suppliers, too. "Overall, I believe the goal of coaching is to facilitate a client’s access to more of their innate resilience and wisdom."

To Become More Accountable We all know that sometimes it’s our self-limiting beliefs in relation to what we can actually achieve that hold us back. Having a coach to turn to can help you become more accountable, by sharing your goals and stating what you’re setting out to accomplish. The ICF study found that 67% of those surveyed experienced a higher level of self-awareness thanks to life coaching than those that received no coaching at all, an essential skill needed to move ideas forward from thought to action.

Future-Proof Yourself (Or Your Business!) Stimulating discussion that opens a dialogue where you can freely speak about your wants and needs as a person – at work or in your personal life – can often give you the clarity needed to move forward. In figures found by the home of vocational education and apprenticeships, City and Guilds, 79% of those asked agreed that coaching had been useful in practice when adapting to new ways of working and exposure to technology updates. As we enter a time where businesses are beginning to see their employee base span across five generations, 64% of those surveyed say that coaching has already become important in the balance of an intergenerational workplace, too. With millennials set to make up 75% of the workforce by 2025 , there is great importance in their approach to coaching opportunities. A survey from Deloitte found that a staggering 68% of millennials that are planning on staying with their employer for more than five years are twice as likely to have a mentor or coach than those that don’t.

Improve Your Employee Retention Rates Whether you’re a business owner or an employee, it’s always great to hear that staff retention rates are in the green zone. Research found by The Institute Of Coaching shows that 86% of companies report that they’ve recouped their investment and more when it comes to coaching.

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