Mentor Matching Ground Rules Mentee

Do you make up scenarios in your head that haven’t even happened yet? Us too.

It’s normal for both mentors and mentees to have expectations for their mentorship – and it’s important to be open about these from the get-go. That’s why we recommend mentors and mentees set some ground rules with each other before they start their mentorship journey.

From setting boundaries on the best way to communicate between sessions to being honest even when it might not be easy, we’ve created this short guide to make sure you set off on the right foot.

1. Master the basics

A solid foundation is the building blocks of a successful mentorship. Before your first official mentoring session, you’ll have an informal introduction with your mentor or mentee. This is your chance to set the tone for your relationship. Here are some pointers on what to discuss:

- What days and times will we meet?

- Where will our sessions be held?

- How long will our sessions run?

- What happens if either of us can’t make a session?

- Will we communicate in between meetings? If so, how?

Are you a mentor? If so, once you’ve mastered these basics, read for a deeper dive.

2. Be punctual

Time is money, so they say. Although Mentor Matching is included in your membership, becoming a mentor or mentee with Mentor Matching is voluntary. So, wasting their time by being late is disrespectful.

By turning up on time to each session, you can maximise the opportunity to build a personal relationship. And, as we learnt in , it’s important to treat your mentor-mentee relationship like any other relationship that needs nurturing.

Break the ice at the start of each session by talking about non‐work topics. This is a sure-fire way to begin every session in a comfortable and relaxed environment.

3. Be focused

It sounds simple, right? But a mentorship is a life-changing opportunity, so don’t let it pass you by and regret not having made more of it. Here are our top tips on focussing during your sessions:

- Don’t have any distractions nearby, including your mobile phone

- Take notes throughout

- Keep the meeting objective in mind

- Don’t multitask

- Listen carefully to one another and ask relevant questions

4. Come prepared

You know how the saying goes – fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Both mentor and mentee are there for a reason. So, showing up to every session prepared will set you up for success.

Prepare for each session by setting an objective. Then, work towards that objective, always ensuring the conversation stays on track.

Your goals as a mentee will be totally unique. Organising all relevant materials to share with your mentor before each session will give them the context and insight they need to help you realise your goals in no time – whether it’s an inspiring article you read with your Sunday morning coffee, a cryptic email you received from a colleague you need help deciphering, or a job offer you’re pondering whether to accept or not.

5. Be honest

If you feed a machine false data, you’ll end up with a false result. Be honest in all your conversations to ensure you and your mentor or mentee get what you want out of the mentorship. At the end of each session, take the time to briefly evaluate your discussion and decide on your next steps and follow‐up actions.

It’s important to remember that you’ve been matched as mentor and mentee for a reason. You both have something to teach and learn from each other. Whether it’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions, or stone-cold facts and hard truths, honesty will ensure you both make the most of this experience.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to respect. With a sisterhood full of like-minded, incredible women, we have no doubt each and every mentorship experience will exceed expectations.

Thank you for joining the movement. Together, we’ll ensure every woman succeeds in her career, faster.